SYMBOL MACHINE communications theory and applications

Nature's advanced message processing system has messages waiting!

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The ZINC OXIDE atomic message processing system LINK to the biochemistry expression LEVEL

Concept Paper CP-069 by Herb Zinser

 Using  TOE theory (Theory of Everything)  and Computer EARTH system 370 CMS (Content Management Systems)  ... various geography sites, business activities, human affairs, etc  can be considered as information data sets  intertwined as subsets within the EARTHLY fabric of space/time.

Black Holes and Time Warps : Einstein's Outrageous Legacy ...
Barnes & Noble
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Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... leads his readers through an elegant, always human, 
tapestry of interlocking ...


To explain this ... Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE words,   languages, math and physics equations,  biochemistry diagrams,  process information flowcharts, and other concept tools are used to translate the CRYPTIC writings of others into  in more down-to-earth explanations using  proper nouns assigned to geography sites, people, business activities, and other  real objects and  entities  that exist on the geography surface of EARTH and are involved in everyday life.









Cox Communications: The Official Website | TV, Phone ...
Cox Communications
TV, Phone, Internet, Home Security and Tech Solutions services from Cox Communications. Cox helps you bring your digital life to life.

Billing & Account

Landing page for residential billing and account customer support.


Landing page for residential customer internet support.






Zinc oxide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zinc oxide is an inorganic compound with the formula ZnO. ZnO is a white powder ..... passing through zinc oxide nanowires due to adsorption of gas molecules.

Zinc oxide | OZn | ChemSpider
Structure, properties, spectra, suppliers and links for: Zinc oxide. ... Zinc oxide. ChemSpider ID: 14122; Molecular Formula: OZn; Average mass: 81.408401 Da ...


Zinc oxide

Zin   c ox    ide

Zin   c ox   ide america





Thus we have some CLUES about the atomic message system and its LINKS to higher levels of thought emerge in some humans as a message in conscious  FORMAT .... written words for the optical nerve SYMBOL PROCESSOR.


The Zinjan database rises up  to challenge  the Hierarchy Problem of  awareness  of the Office of Science (OS/JCL)  and its biased, hypnotized  analysts ....


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